Results for: Macromolecules Innovation Institute
Article ItemRui Qiao named fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry , article
Qiao, the John R. Jones III Faculty Fellow in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, is recognized for his work at the interface of chemistry and its applications to technologies such as electrical energy storage.
Date: Feb 03, 2025 -
Article Item
Article ItemBreaking barriers: Researchers analyze how a chemical process could help recycle a common plastic waste , article
The research team identified chemical recycling processes that remove additives, impurities, and colorants from polyethylene terephthalate, commonly referred to as PET. The processes can allow for a greater percentage of the plastic to be recycled than with the current mechanical recycling processes.
Date: May 13, 2024 -
Article ItemResearchers develop a new way to safely boost immune cells to fight cancer , article
Researchers in the College of Engineering explore a cancer immunotherapy treatment that involves activating the immune cells in the body and reprogramming them to attack and destroy cancer cells. This therapeutic method frequently uses cytokines, small protein molecules that act as intercellular biochemical messengers and are released by the body's immune cells to coordinate their response.
Date: Apr 19, 2024 -
Article ItemWind turbine blades get a sustainable upgrade , article
With a $2 million grant from the Department of Energy, researchers from Virginia Tech have pioneered processes to make this sustainable energy source even more efficient. The research team will be using new methods of additive manufacturing, computational design, and a recyclable, high strength thermoplastic material.
Date: Apr 17, 2024 -
Article ItemResearch seeks to break the mold of ultra-lightweight aerogels , article
Producing ultra-lightweight materials that are also strong could be a revolution across multiple industries. With groundbreaking work from an interdisciplinary team of chemists and 3D printing experts, that revolution could be closer.
Date: Mar 25, 2024 -
Article Item'Curious Conversations' podcast: Feng Lin talks about the chemistry of better batteries , article
Lin broke down some of the current challenges to mass producing an effective and affordable battery, and shared his thoughts on the potential for coal in helping overcome these hurdles.
Date: Nov 27, 2023 -
Article ItemA dynamic duo: How machine learning is helping make new discoveries in polymer chemistry , article
Virginia Tech researchers have produced and identified undiscovered catalyst reactions that can help create more sustainable polymers.
Date: Nov 13, 2023 -
Article ItemAn unexpected way to upcycle: Plastic waste transforms into soap , article
Guoliang “Greg” Liu of the Department of Chemistry has discovered a new method of recycling plastics — from milk cartons, food containers, and plastic bags — into soap. The method: Heat the long carbon chains in the plastics then quickly cool them.
Date: Aug 10, 2023 -
Article ItemOptimizing electric vehicles , article Date: Aug 09, 2023
Article ItemIn memoriam: Lesia Pristas, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning , article
Pristas, a long-time Virginia Tech employee and a project manager for the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, died of cancer at age 50 on June 25.
Date: Jul 24, 2023 -
Article ItemGraduate student team wins award for innovative 3D-printed water filter design , article
Three interdisciplinary graduate students in the macromolecular science and engineering program won an international Digital Manufacturing Challenge award for their design.
Date: Jul 18, 2023 -
Article ItemNovel 3D printing process will use advanced materials to reduce waste and emissions in commercial vehicle industry , article
Chris Williams, the L.S. Randolph Professor in mechanical engineering, leads a team that was recently selected by the REMADE Institute for a $1.5 million project that will seek enhancements in the efficiencies of tire retreading.
Date: Jun 30, 2023 -
Article ItemNew Polymer Science Fellowship honors emeritus professor and outstanding students , article
Tiffany Thompson, a Ph.D. student in the macromolecular science and engineering degree program, is the first recipient of the Richard Turner Eastman Fellowship Award. The fellowship was created to honor Turner, who has been driven by an intense curiosity about polymer science throughout his influential career.
Date: Apr 28, 2023 -
Article ItemChemistry’s Michael Schulz awarded National Science Foundation CAREER award , article
The award, which begins in May, comes on the heels of Schulz receiving a U.S. Department of Energy Early Career Research Program award last year.
Date: Apr 03, 2023 -
Article ItemResearchers clear the way for well-rounded view of cellular defects , article
Cellular dynamics are most often studied on the flat environment of a Petri dish, but Amrinder Nain's team has discovered that observing cells in an environment similar to living tissue provides new insights.
Date: Mar 31, 2023 -
Article ItemEngineering disciplines team up to fight plastic pollution , article
With industry partner, Charlottesville-based NatureORAL Co., and collaborators at Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of Dentistry, Abby Whittington and her team have received $75,000 in seed money from the Virginia Commonwealth Commercialization Fund to begin a project that could reduce the growing problem of medical waste worldwide.
Date: Mar 31, 2023 -
Article ItemPolymer Sustainability Workshop highlights synergy between regional industry and academia , article
With an issue as complex as plastic sustainability, the most promising solutions will be collaborative. That’s why the Virginia Tech Macromolecules Innovation Institute hosted its first Polymer Sustainability Workshop.
Date: Mar 24, 2023 -
Video ItemDeveloping synthetic polymers to study neurological diseases , video
Whether he's working with undergraduates in their capstone lab or with graduate students in the Figg Research Group, Assistant Professor Adrian Figg is driven by a desire to develop polymers to study neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
Date: Mar 15, 2023 -
Video ItemDeveloping efficient and cost effective batteries for electric vehicles , video
Researcher Feng Lin in the Department of Chemistry is working to develop technology to strengthen the domestic supply chain for advanced batteries that power electric vehicles. He wants to create batteries that are both cost effective and can hold a charge over thousands of power cycles.
Date: Feb 23, 2023
Page 1 of 4 | 71 Results