VTC Voices: Amy and Kenny
Our VTC Voices series showcases our students' and faculty member's unique perspectives. In this Voices conversation, we introduce Amy, a second year student, and Kenny, a first year student, to discuss their med school experience thus far.
>> I. Can't. Do the things so you're lying to one thing now 2 months and walk one it's pretty severe up here. I kind of. Feels like it's been a while but I the emotions are still there is different than you expected I think my expectations are appropriate the 1st interview that I got actually was the t.c. Yeah which I thought was a kind of a great thing you know after that I kept hearing every other school.
This was my 1st interview to go and it just made me feel so much better about myself and. My ability to get through all of them like see you know what you can be when I came back you 2nd look for the other school I just completely was like Tex where I blog was a lot of it I love the area I left school at a particular this is exactly what I was told I made my decision that pretty pretty easy for me and I do feel really cared for here and I felt the same way of my interview no.
I think a big reason why I wanted to go into medicine was to expand care for. People who don't always have it there are a lot of barriers to seeking care especially when it comes to mental health so it's. Very important to me that this next generation like our generation of physicians.
Be open and compassionate and talk to people about things that. Maybe physicians in the past didn't talk as much about I know that I'm interested in upset tricks conchology and. And I would like to further get a fellowship of people private medicine reconstructive surgery that woul