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Engineering students apply their research to shipbuilding

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Category: research Video duration: Engineering students apply their research to shipbuilding
Fincantieri Marine Group, a world leader in shipbuilding, is funding hands-on learning experiences and scholarships for undergraduate engineering students.
The College of Engineering, multiple departments, have supported students with the generous support from Fincantieri, which is a marine engineering company, for the past couple of years. The students have the opportunity to do a summer research program with financial support. Aldo, who worked with me before, this summer had gained knowledge of multicopters. He was working on a project to integrate data from advanced sensors into his software. The overall goal is essentially mapping the environment through the cameras we have, being able to urgently land with the softwares we have. And in addition to that, being able to accurately tell where our position is. This is like a perfect way to understand the theory and then understand actual experimental and combine them together. Cybersecurity is, you know, it's a fast developing field, and a lot of different industries, from agriculture to shipbuilding, need some more infrastructure around it. I looked into what role does cybersecurity really play in shipbuilding because you see cyber attacks that are just absolutely devastating. In my research, I hope to prevent these through machine learning algorithms that have shown an exceptional ability to detect these, specifically, false data injection attacks. Having this exposure to machine learning, and, like, being able to develop my interest and skill set into it has really helped me kind of figure out, oh, I really like machine learning, and it can play a role in like my field. "First, an introduction to the importance of cybersecurity maritime industry." This offers the student the opportunity to get feedback from industry. There's a lot of learning that happens just from preparing the presentation slides for intermediate and final presentations, the poster that gets presented at the end of the summer. All of that really provides an opportunity for a student to learn about how they're going to professionally communicate in industry.