University Libraries celebrates Virginia Tech authors at recognition event
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University Libraries celebrates Virginia Tech authors at recognition event
The Virginia Tech Authors Recognition Event honored 98 authors with representation from every college across the university. The event was hosted by University Libraries and was held on the second floor of Newman Library. The Virginia Tech Authors Recognition Event was first held in 2006, and has since grown to include a wide range of materials including published books, musical works, films, and more.
We are at a place where we see every day that books have the power to change minds and change our hearts. And what an honor and a privilege it is to work in a place where people make that happen every single day. So this event is the Virginia Tech authors reception, and it's celebrating faculty, students, staff who've published books or musical scores during the last calendar year, so 2022. This event is amazing. I came to Virginia Tech to teach in 2021. I did not know this event existed until I authored this textbook. And at my previous colleges, there was no similar event to this to celebrate authors and publications. So I think this is just a fantastic event to celebrate all of the authors throughout the university. There are authors from every college in the university. But we can help celebrate all of them. Be kind of that central location and central resource and just show that we are a partner in producing this scholarship. We're here to, here to support the authors in the work that they do. I still really value expertise. And Virginia Tech, we are a school with a lot of scholars in many different areas who know their field like nobody else. For us to support our faculty, to get them published by reputable presses, that's really important and it helps to ensure that Virginia Tech is putting its best foot forward. Congratulations to all of the authors, the creators, the originators of that which we are enjoying this evening. What you're doing is at the very center of what a university should be doing. But thank you also to the library for the work that it does to enable, facilitate and advance that.