Cody Campbell '23

Degree: DVM Class of 2027, Food Animal Track
Hometown: South Hill, North Carolina

My undergraduate was in…
My undergraduate degree was in Dairy Science with a dual degree in Animal and Poultry Sciences from Virginia Tech.

Best part of being a VMCVM student…
The best part about being a VMCVM student is the relationships you build with all of the students, faculty, and staff. Everyone is so welcoming and is always willing to help you in any way that they can. I am very lucky to be a part of a program that attracts this type of people. I am excited to build upon these relationships and use these connections for many years to come.

The moment I knew I wanted to be a veterinarian/public health professional was…
I knew I wanted to be a veterinarian after my first time watching a large animal veterinarian work a herd of cattle. The vet had the answer to every problem that was brought up about the cattle and I was in awe. I knew then that I wanted to be the person who could go out and help solve problems for our farmers. I am a big supporter of agriculture so anytime I can give back and help someone who works to put food on my table I do it.

My hidden talent...
My hidden talent would probably be that I am a very good cook! I love to come home after a long day of class and whip up a good home cooked meal.

A person who has inspired me...
A person in my life that continues to inspire me every day would be my little sister, Kaitlyn. I have watcher grow up into a strong, determined young woman that doesn't let anything stand in her way. She is currently studying biomedical engineering at the University of Tennessee and works almost a full time job in her free time. Kaitlyn is not only hard working, but is so kind as well. She never fails to make someone feel seen or appreciated. Watching her work hard to achieve her dreams and motivate others inspires me to do the same every day.

Biggest misconception about being a veterinarian/public health student…
The biggest misconception about being a veterinary student would be the work load. I think most people believe that veterinary students have to have their nose in a book 24 hours a day, but in reality we have a good amount of free time as long as we manage our schedules. The free time we have is so important to allow ourselves to relax and recharge.

If I had a superpower, it would be...
If I had a superpower it would be the ability to fly. I think it would be an amazing feeling to float between the clouds.

My no-fail, go-for-it motivational song...
"Nose on the Grindstone" by Tyler Childers

The course project/study you're most excited about…
I am very excited for the next generation. Theriology is my main interest!

What excites me the most about the future of my industry...
I am excited to see all of the technological advancements in the veterinary field. I feel like the tools that we have now and the tools that are being developed are bringing veterinary medicine to a whole other level.

Favorite way to end the day...
Watching the sun set over Buggs Island Lake from the boat with family and friends.

Top of my bucket list...
To travel to all 50 states!

How many pets/animals live at home? Can you tell us about them?
I have one Australian Shepherd named Slate at home. I got him as a puppy and he will be three this February. He is a little ball of energy and definitely keeps me on my toes. He loves to go on hikes and cuddle up on the couch.

Cody Campbell and his australian shepherd, Slate. during a hike.
Cody Campbell and his australian shepherd, Slate. Photo courtesy of Cody Campbell.
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