Dr. Carling Sitterley joins veterinary college as assistant director of admissions and student services

Dr. Carling Sitterley of Blacksburg, Virginia, has joined the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine at Virginia Tech as assistant director of admissions and student services.
A recent alumna of the veterinary college, Sitterley founded the college’s chapter of Veterinary Students as One in Culture and Ethnicity (VOICE), a student-run organization that provides education and outreach around diversity issues in the veterinary community. Most recently, she worked as a project assistant for the college’s Center for Public and Corporate Veterinary Medicine, where she supported a brucellosis control program in the Caucasus, and for Virginia Tech’s Office of Multicultural Programs and Services, now the Intercultural Engagement Center, where she helped develop a peer education program.
“We are excited to have Dr. Carling Sitterley join our team,” said Dr. Jacque Pelzer, director of admissions and student services. “As a recent graduate of the college, Dr. Sitterley is committed to diversity and inclusion and brings a fresh perspective of the needs in the areas of student support and service.”
Sitterley will support the college’s admissions and recruitment efforts, provide mentorship and advising to student organizations, and coordinate other activities, such as a veterinary science summer camp for underrepresented students.
As a student, Sitterley took advantage of the college's dual degree option and completed both her doctor of veterinary medicine degree and master of public health degree in 2014 and 2015, respectively. Last summer, she traveled to Thailand for her public health practicum with a focus on One Health in a global context.
Sitterley graduated with a bachelor’s degree in biology from Virginia’s College of William & Mary in 2008.
Written by Michael Sutphin.