Docs for Morgan 2023
A wonderful crowd came out to support the students and the doctors and residents as they played hoops for a great cause at the 11th annual Docs for Morgan basketball game. Docs for Morgan is an annual basketball challenge between Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine students and Carilion Clinic residents and attending physicians, and was formed in 2012 by Carilion Clinic physicians who wanted to honor Morgan and support her parents, Daniel and Gil Harrington. Dan Harrington is vice dean of the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine. The event supports an annual scholarship that goes to deserving students at the school and honors Morgan’s passion for education.
Morgan was an intern at the school and was attending Virginia Tech before she was tragically murdered in 2009. The scholarship fund was established in her honor and, to date, has generated almost $500,000 benefiting students at the School of Medicine.
It just fills your heart to see so many people coming out and enjoying this evening and being together and hearing about Morgan Dana Harrington, and welcoming the Harringtons to yet another event in her honor, there was a lot of crying and energy just even in the stands. It was such an exciting night here in the gym tonight. Score was close, it was tied a couple of minutes before the ending of the game and the Docs pulled it out. I'm not going to say team I was rooting for I was rooting for both of them. My favorite team always win this game. That was an amazing game.