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Preparing for new cadet orientation

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Category: culture Video duration: Preparing for new cadet orientation
The Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets is a four-year, full-time leader development program focused on building teamwork, character, and problem-solving skills that make a difference in today's world. Incoming freshmen cadets participate in orientation activities including a visit to the tailor shop to get their uniforms fitted for the upcoming cadet week. Cadet Sarah Dorminey gives an overview on orientation and her experience in the corps.

This is the start of freshman orientation for the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets. So over the next three weeks, the freshmen cadets coming in will be going through the orientation. They go on room tours, see what the room's gonna look like. See what's required of them to bring into the room and how they are going to set that up. And then probably one of most important things that they are going to do is go to the tailor shop and get their sizes fitted. Make sure that everything is going to be able to be ready for them to come to new cadet week. So when the new cadets come to the tailor shop, the first thing they're going to do is sit down and try on their shoes. So they're going to need what we call low quarters, which are black dress shoes. And then they'll have combat boots. Those are the first things that they get fitted for. And this is a lengthy process, because there's a lot of uniforms. And there's going to be a lot of people that you'll see at the tailor shop making like marks for alterations, making sure that they have everything completely set, all the numbers for that uniform to be in their closet in August. I remember getting onto Upper Quad and it kind of hitting me that this is for real. I remember being pretty nervous and a lot of the cadets that were there helped put me at ease. So I try to keep that in mind while work working at orientation that most cadets are going to be nervous, but that I have the power to help them out and share information that can be helpful to them. I think the best part of being a cadet is the shared experience. You're creating a bond with people that really isn't broken ever, in your college experience and in life.