Virginia Tech hosts 7th Annual Faculty Women of Color in the Academy National Conference
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Virginia Tech hosts 7th Annual Faculty Women of Color in the Academy National Conference
Women of color faculty, university administrators, post-doctoral fellows, graduate students and undergraduates attended the two-day FWCA conference.
Well I am Nontombi Naomi Tutu and I am here as one of the speakers at the conference but I'm also here as somebody who was looking forward very much to being surrounded by powerful women of color. And so I'm I'm talking first of all, starting off from the place that I walk into this space, and that is as a tired, black woman and expecting that there were other tired women of color in that room and that then what do we do to help ourselves to support one another in this place of of tiredness.
I'm really feeding off the energy, our speaker today talked a lot about being tired and exhausted and I think after we heard her speak today, we all had a renewed sense of energy. All of us don't get to see people that look like us every day, so being surrounded by strong, powerful women of color is amazing.
And we are restructuring our institutions through our presence as professors and administrators. Every women that are here in this room and is a faculty of a university have a history in his life and I would like to hear about their history and what they have overcome. The more we share with each other and the more we share stories about what we're doing, the more alike we are.