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Fifth-graders visit Virginia Tech Police Department as part of Kindergarten to College program

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Category: campus experience Video duration: Fifth-graders visit Virginia Tech Police Department as part of Kindergarten to College program
Fifth-grade students from Occoquan Elementary School visited the Virginia Tech Police Department on Feb. 22. Their visit was made possible by the Kindergarten to College (K2C) program, which gives them a hands-on experience with being in college. The students met with VTPD Chief Kevin Foust, VT Rescue Squad Chief Michael Geary, and several other officers.
[00:00:00] >> When the students first arrive, they're often a little bit intimidated or a little bit shy and by the end of the session, what you'll see, are the kids are warming up to us. Students can get an idea of what we do as a profession and then also can have personal interactions with police officers, so that one day when there might be a really serious incident that they're involved in in some way, it will not be the first time that they've spoken to a police officer. [00:00:22] And hopefully will carry that experience with them and they'll remember that we care about them, we care of the community and hopefully that will help to sort of frame how that interaction will go whatever that interaction is. I understand this amazing junior police badge, which will always be worn with pride.