Results for: Decision-Making
Article ItemR. Thulasi Kumar honored with University Technology Leader of the Year Award , article
Kumar joins a select group of data analytics IT leaders from around the nation who have been recognized for excellence and are inspiring change in the digital learning IT sphere.
Date: Nov 28, 2022 -
Article ItemRead Montague of the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute to share groundbreaking brain research at Nobel symposium , article
Montague is one of seven world leaders in neuroscience invited to present his findings at an event sponsored and hosted by the Nobel Assembly in Stockholm.
Date: Sep 06, 2022 -
Article ItemNew study shows how risk-averse teens sway peers to make safer choices , article
Prior studies have shown adolescents are likely to experiment along with friends who use drugs and alcohol. But do friends who avoid risks have similar influential power? In a new study, Virginia Tech neuroscientists at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC show that observing peers making sound decisions may help teenagers avoid risky situations.
Date: Nov 30, 2020 -
Article ItemiTHRIV announces incoming 2020 scholars program cohort , article
iTHRIV, the Clinical and Translational Science Award partnership between Virginia Tech, the University of Virginia, Carilion Clinic, and Inova Health System has announced its fourth class of scholars.
Date: Jun 17, 2020 -
Article ItemNew Fralin Biomedical Research Institute faculty member studies how junk food induces dopamine release in the brain , article
Why is eating unhealthy food such a hard habit to break? Alexandra DiFeliceantonio, a new faculty member at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC, studies how modern high-fat, high-carb foods might be tricking the brain into intensifying reward and pleasure signals.
Date: Mar 31, 2020 -
Article ItemScientists explore new method to help people with alcohol use disorder , article
New ways to help people resist the siren call of alcohol have not kept pace — which leaves health care providers stuck with the same intervention and rehabilitation options they have been using for decades. But now, Virginia Tech scientists are studying whether people battling alcohol use disorder might gain some relief by “pre-experiencing” the future.
Date: Feb 14, 2020 -
Article ItemCenter for Transformative Research on Health Behaviors selects projects to tackle lifestyle-related diseases , article
Collaborative teams of Virginia Tech and Carilion Clinic investigators are exploring the consequences of destructive health behavior in people struggling with poor adherence to breast cancer treatment regimes, opioid dependence, and cardiovascular disease.
Date: Jan 04, 2019 -
Article ItemVTCRI researchers find positive effects of early education intervention four decades later , article
New research published in Nature Communications, led by Read Montague, of the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute, suggests that participants who received educational interventions in early childhood show positive effects on social decision-making more than four decades later.
Date: Nov 20, 2018 -
Article ItemFulbright fellowship awarded to VTCRI research assistant , article
Brennan Delattre will research the mental health benefits of cooperative movement in Niterói, Brazil.
Date: Aug 07, 2018 -
Article ItemKeep calm and carry on: VTCRI scientists make first serotonin measurements in humans , article
Scientists at the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute have begun to unravel how serotonin acts, based on data collected in a first-of-its-kind experiment that utilized electrochemical probes implanted into the brain of awake human beings.
Date: May 01, 2018 -
Article ItemScientists find heightened attention to surprise in veterans with PTSD , article
A new study found that people with PTSD have an increased learning response to surprising events compared to people without PTSD.
Date: Jan 10, 2018 -
Article ItemResearchers find that brain imagery shows difference between knowing or reckless behavior in criminal acts , article
Scientists and lawyers speak different languages, but there is common ground. Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute scientists working in a multi-institutional team with legal authorities have discovered that brain imaging can determine whether someone is acting in a state of knowledge about a crime.
Date: Mar 13, 2017 -
Article ItemNIH’s alcohol addiction research programs leader will speak at the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute , article
George Koob, the director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, will discuss the neurocircuitry of alcohol addiction at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday at the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute.
Date: Jan 17, 2017 -
Article ItemBeliefs about nicotine influence cigarette craving , article
In a study published in Frontiers in Psychiatry, researchers found that participants failed to satisfy their craving by simply smoking a nicotine cigarette. The participants had to actually believe that the cigarette contained nicotine.
Date: Sep 13, 2016 -
Article ItemBrain scanning reveals that birds of a feather really do flock together , article
In a study using functional magnetic resonance imaging, Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute scientists found that our inherent risk-taking preferences affect how we view and act on information from other people.
Date: May 19, 2015 -
Article ItemVirginia Tech Carilion Research Institute scientists discover beliefs can be just as powerful as nicotine , article
Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute scientists have discovered that beliefs can regulate the effects of nicotine on the human brain.
Date: Feb 26, 2015 -
Article ItemLiberal or conservative? Brain responses to disgusting images help reveal political leanings , article
On the verge of Election Day, Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute scientists find that biology influences political ideology.
Date: Oct 31, 2014 -
Article ItemScientists find possible neurobiological basis for tradeoff between honesty, self-interest , article
A team of scientists from the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute and the University of California at Berkeley used economic games to study how the brain makes choices about honesty.
Date: Sep 23, 2014 -
Article ItemHigh earners in a stock market game found to have brain patterns that can predict bubbles and crashes , article
If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich? It may be that, when it comes to stock market success, your brain is heeding the wrong neural signals.
Date: Jul 08, 2014 -
Article ItemResearchers track brain's dopamine release, its effect on decision-making , article
Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute scientists and their colleagues have developed a biocompatible microsensor that can detect dopamine release in the human brain, and have used it to track decision making.
Date: Nov 01, 2011
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