Corps of Cadets and ROTC units to hold joint graduation and commissioning ceremony May 15

On Friday, May 15, the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets and the Virginia Tech ROTC units will hold a joint graduation and commissioning ceremony to recognize the graduating seniors and those that will proceed to duty in the armed forces.
Two hundred and eight cadets will earn their graduation certificates from the Corps of Cadets while 138 will commission into the four armed services this semester.
The U.S. Army will gain 71 new officers, while 42 will enter the U.S. Air Force, 17 will join the U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Marine Corps will welcome eight new lieutenants.
The ceremony will be held at 7 p.m. in the Burruss Hall auditorium located at 800 Drillfield Drive.
The Virginia Tech Class of 2015 is proud to welcome Maj. Gen. Todd Semonite, U.S. Army, who will serve as the graduation speaker and commissioning officer.
Semonite is currently serving as Commanding General Combined Security Transition Command – Afghanistan, Operation Enduring Freedom. This organization is responsible for the building of the Afghan Army and Police. He graduated from the U.S. Military Academy where he majored in civil engineering and has earned a master's degree in civil engineering from the University of Vermont and a master's degree in military arts and sciences from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.
The Highty-Tighties, the regimental band, will perform at the ceremony. The Highty-Tighties, the graduates, and commissionees will conclude the event with the playing and singing of the individual service songs as well as “Tech Triumph.”