Samantha Harden appointed assistant professor of human nutrition, foods, and exercise

Samantha Harden has been named an assistant professor of human nutrition, foods, and exercise in the Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
She is one of 19 new faculty members that were recently hired in college. New positions in the college were identified to bring new talent to its focus areas, including food and health, infectious disease, biodesign and processing, and agricultural profitability and environmental sustainability. The new faculty members are distributed across teaching, research, and Extension.
Harden received her Ph.D. in human nutrition, foods, and exercise from Virginia Tech and her bachelor's degree in biology from Bridgewater College.
Harden’s research explores factors that speed or impede the translation of evidence-based physical activity interventions into their intended practice settings, such as clinical practice and community environments.
As an Extension specialist, she will integrate evidence-based practice and evaluation for physical activity initiatives across the state.
She has received the Selbot Fitness Award, is a member of the Virginia Tech Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Lambda, and is a scholar in Who's Who Among American Universities and Colleges.