Kaitlyn McBane DVM '18

Managing Veterinarian, Pet Vet - Roanoke

How VMCVM equipped me for the 'real world'...
VMCVM taught me problem-solving skills and how to find the answer even when I don't know the answer.

Best part of being a VMCVM alum...
The relationships I have built at VMCVM. I still am so close with many of my classmates (2 are my colleagues I get to see on a regular basis).

Best advice I've gotten....
You are not an impostor.

I have learned to believe this as I have grown in my career but it is still humbling because everyday I am still learning.

How would you capture the essence of your work in a newspaper headline...
Do what sets your heart on fire? She does!

I love what I do and I truly love going to work everyday. I hope that is reflected to my patients and my clients.

My hidden talent...
Intubating tricky cats!

A person who has inspired me...
Courtney Wiegard DVM, '05

Courtney is the owner of the practice I manage, but also my mentor and my friend who I met during a fourth year internship. She is not only a veterinarian but a mother and wife and makes everyone in our community feel like her friend.

What did you learn at the college that you never thought you would benefit from?
Clinics definitely challenged me and I felt really sleep deprived even though I enjoyed it. I have been pretty surprised at how much that prepared me for other parts of my life outside of work.

Kaitlyn McBane holding a cat.
Kaitlyn McBane (right). Photo courtesy of Kaitlyn McBane.

Biggest misconception about my job or industry...
You can't have it all.

I hear so many people talking about being a veterinarian meaning making sacrifices in other parts of your life- especially your personal life and not having work-life balance. I have worked hard to find a work-life balance that works for me and my family but it is absolutely possible!

Words of encouragement to a current veterinary college student...
Don't sit down and wait for the opportunities to come to you. Chase them! You are never too young or know too little to make a difference.

Fondest college memory or tradition...
I went on an exchange trip to Chennai, India, after my second year of veterinary school. It opened my eyes to so much of the world I hadn't seen.

A cause I'm most passionate about... The most formative experience I've had...
Making quality and gold standard veterinary care available in a general practice setting.

Top of my bucket list...
Going on an African Safari with my family.

My favorite quote...
"Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and the shadow will fall behind you." Walt Whitman

Being a VMCVM alumnus means...
Living a life of Ut Prosim and representing this is my daily life as a veterinarian to my patients and clients.

How many pets/animals live at home? Can you tell us about them?
We have 2 dogs, a pug named Chessie and a rescue mix named Ollie. We also have a "grumpy cat" (seen in one of the photos), Sofie, who is an exotic shorthair.

Kaitlyn McBane (center) at her 2018 commencement ceremony.
Kaitlyn McBane (center) at her 2018 commencement ceremony. Photo courtesy of Kaitlyn McBane.
Kaitlyn McBane doing a canine dental cleaning. Photo courtesy of Kaitlyn McBane.
Kaitlyn McBane (right). Photo courtesy of Kaitlyn McBane.
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