Pamela Wykes Armstrong DVM '84

Veterinarian and Practice Owner, Damascus Veterinary Hospital

How VMCVM equipped me for the 'real world'...
VMCVM laid the groundwork for success in the 'real world' by nurturing a spirit of lifelong learning and critical thinking. Beyond providing a solid foundation in veterinary medicine, the school encouraged me to embrace curiosity and think rationally about the challenges facing the profession. Today, as the owner of a thriving veterinary practice with a staff of twelve, I draw upon these skills daily. Whether it's devising new treatment plans for our patients or managing a diverse team, the lessons learned at VMCVM continue to guide me in delivering exceptional care to our patients while driving the success of our practice.

Best part of being a VMCVM alum...
The best part of being a VMCVM alum, is the sense of community and friendship it fosters, both locally and globally. There is a shared bond that follows Hokies around the globe! It has been immensely rewarding to witness the VMCVM's growth and recognition within the veterinary community since its inception. I am proud to be a member of the first graduating class of 1984!

Best advice I've gotten....
The best advice I received when I graduated and started my first position was to join my local state veterinary association and DC Academy of Veterinary Medicine to advance my continuing education and foster relationships within the veterinary community. I have pursued advanced training at educational conferences and wet labs throughout my career. These experiences have enhanced my skills and knowledge to help ensure that I can provide the best possible care to my patients.

My hidden talent...
My hidden talent lies in maintaining the delicate art of work-life balance between my family and my work. I love my work as a veterinarian and could have committed to the job 24/7, but I also wanted to be a wife and mother along with being a business owner. Juggling the demands of running a successful veterinary practice while ensuring the well-being of my patients, employees and family requires boundaries and limits. I've tried to create a supportive community around me to accomplish this goal. I have to admit, at times, it hasn't been easy!

Pamela Wykes Armstrong holding a corgi.
Pamela Wykes Armstrong. Photo courtesy of Pamela Wykes Armstrong.

A person who has inspired me...
I have had several inspirational mentors along my career path, but I have to give credit to my first employer, Dr. Betty Schultz, as my advisor and guide. She was a character to work for and tough on her employees. She expected common sense and hard work. No one was allowed to give up and she pushed you to perform to the best of your abilities. She was a shrewd business woman and practice owner. I gained a great deal of business knowledge from her and I am grateful for her guidance during those early years in my career. Sadly, she passed away this year.

What did you learn at the college that you never thought you would benefit from?
To create a business plan and make yearly projections in income growth over the years in the short business course offered.

Biggest misconception about my job or industry...
The biggest misconception about my industry is veterinary medicine is very expensive. There are many costs involved with running a veterinary hospital and providing quality pet care.

A cause I'm most passionate about... The most formative experience I've had...
I am passionate about giving back to the future students of our profession. I am currently on the Board of Trustees for the Maryland Veterinary Foundation which awards scholarships to deserving veterinary students from the state of Maryland. I am always amazed when I review the resumes of these hard-working students and try to determine who is most qualified recipient of the scholarship. I have also mentored interested students from our local high school to encourage future veterinarians!

Top of my bucket list...
To continue to travel around the world! An African Safari is next on my list!

How many pets/animals live at home? Can you tell us about them?
I have bred, shown and trained Pembroke Welsh Corgis for the last 36 years! My most recent puppy is 4 month old Sophie and two out of three of my kids have corgis too! They are also present in all of our family Christmas photos!

Pamela Wykes Armstrong newspaper article on her taking over veterinary practice in 1988.
Pamela Wykes Armstrong newspaper article. Photo courtesy of Pamela Wykes Armstrong.
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