Ashley Briggs MPH '16

Infection Preventionist, Carilion New River Valley Medical Center

How VMCVM equipped me for the 'real world'...
Vet Med allowed me the opportunity to work with peers from across different majors and disciplines. In the "real world" being able to incorporate yourself into multidisciplinary team successfully can be difficult, but I was well prepared for the challenge thanks to my time at VMCVM.

Best part of being a VMCVM alum...
The sense of community that is still present almost a decade after graduation. I still have amazing relationships not only with my fellow alumni, but many faculty members and staff.

Best advice I've gotten....
Dr. Susan Marmagas would often iterate the importance of meeting people where they are in the world of public health. That sound advice became my mantra during COVID as we navigated the pandemic, but continues to be the measuring stick I use to ensure my practice is as effective as possible.

How would you capture the essence of your work in a newspaper headline...
Hospital Acquired Infections Battled Through Compelling Education

My hidden talent...
Sewing, I especially love making baby blankets for friends and family.

A person who has inspired me...
Dr. Noelle Bissell. Her leadership during my time with VDH both before and during the pandemic encouraged me to purse my current work in healthcare.

What did you learn at the college that you never thought you would benefit from?
Organic Chemistry, it was the hardest class I've ever taken and for the longest time I did not see any benefit it has added to my life. However, now a decade plus later, I see that it taught me I can preserve through any obstacle as well as how to diligently commit potentially useless information to memory.

Biggest misconception about my job or industry...
Is that staff assume we are there to be the bad guy only, when in actuality only role as an infection preventionist is to help them succeed at reducing the risks of infection for their patients and themselves.

Words of encouragement to a current veterinary college student...
Vet Med is a melting pot of departments, programs, majors and interests all working together under the one health model. Learn as much as you can from across the college because chances are you will gain a nugget of knowledge you just might need down the road.

Fondest college memory or tradition...
Our joint relay for life team between the DVM and MPH program. We had a puppy kissing booth to help with our fundraiser.

A cause I'm most passionate about... The most formative experience I've had...
I'm very passionate about community walkability. When I first moved to Christiansburg there was not sidewalk accessibility to the high school from any direction and much of the town was not accessible by trail. I joined the Christiansburg Bikeway Walkway Committee and saw great progress as we applied for grants and funding to add multipurpose use trails and sidewalks to the community.

Top of my bucket list...
Stay at Giraffe Manor in Kenya.

My favorite quote...
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"
-Elanor Roosevelt

Being a VMCVM alumnus means...
You strive to find the solution in every obstacle you face.

How many pets/animals live at home? Can you tell us about them?
We have two dogs, a miniature schnauzer named Bubby and a boxer mix named Titan. Both boys are slightly older and enjoy the good life of couch cuddles and lazy afternoon walks around the farm.

Anything else to add?
Take a day and go to Claytor Lake State Park, you won't regret it.

Ashley Briggs and her dog in life jackets.
Photo courtesy of Ashley Briggs.
Two dogs standing outside in winter coats.
Photo courtesy of Ashley Briggs.
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