Pamplin College of Business to present two Wachovia Distinguished Speakers
Virginia Tech's Pamplin College of Business will present two Wachovia Distinguished Speakers this spring. Both lectures will be held at the Alumni Assembly Hall at the Holtzman Alumni Center.
Phyllis Schnepf, an associate dean at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, will speak on Thursday, Feb. 21, from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Schnepf, who received a master’s degree in hotel, restaurant, and institutional management from Virginia Tech in 1982, will present a lecture titled “Healthcare: A Viable Career Option.”
James C. Wimbush, dean of the graduate school and professor of business administration at Indiana University, will speak on Thursday, March 27, from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Wimbush; who received a master’s degree in 1988 and doctorate in 1991, both of which are in management and from Virginia Tech; will present a lecture titled “A Review and Discussion of Recent Studies in Workforce Enhancement.”
Schnepf joined the Mount Sinai Medical Center, which includes the Mount Sinai Hospital and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, in New York City in 1982. She has held senior management positions at the hospital and the medical school. As senior vice president of hospital services, she had responsibility for the clinical ancillary services, non-clinical support services, supply chain, security, quality, risk, and regulatory departments at the hospital.
In 2007, Schnepf became associate dean for education and translational research operations at the medical school. In her new role, she has administrative and fiscal responsibility for the school’s educational activities and administrative responsibility for its growth in “translational research,” which is at the heart of the school’s strategic direction over the next decade.
A faculty member of Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business since 1991, Wimbush has chaired the management department and the MBA and doctoral programs and has served as associate dean of the faculties for the Bloomington campus. As graduate school dean, Wimbush oversees the master’s and doctoral programs, excluding professional programs, at the university’s eight campuses.
An award-winning teacher, Wimbush has also been active in advisory roles at the university and is in his second term as chair of the athletics committee. His research on measurement issues in the collection of sensitive data, integrity testing, and ethical issues in human resources management has been published in numerous journals.
The Wachovia Distinguished Speaker series in the Pamplin College is made possible by a grant from Wachovia Bank. Past speakers have included senior executives from Wachovia, GE, IBM, Ralph Lauren, KPMG, Siemens Corporation, ChoicePoint, and PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Virginia Tech’s nationally ranked Pamplin College of Business offers undergraduate and graduate programs in accounting and information systems, business information technology, economics, finance, hospitality and tourism management, management, and marketing. The college emphasizes the development of ethical values and leadership, technology, and international business skills. A member of its marketing faculty directs the interdisciplinary Sloan Foundation Forest Industries Center at Virginia Tech. The college’s other centers focus on business leadership, business diversity, electronic commerce, organizational performance, and services innovation. The college is committed to serving business and society through the expertise of its faculty, alumni, and students. It is named in honor of alumnus Robert B. Pamplin, the former CEO of Georgia-Pacific, and businessman, philanthropist, and alumnus Robert B. Pamplin Jr.