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Ailing toy poodle recovers, delivers healthy puppies with Veterinary Teaching Hospital care

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Senna, a pregnant toy poodle, faced a critical health scare when she stopped eating and became unwell. Rushed to the Virginia Tech Veterinary Teaching Hospital's intensive care unit, Senna received specialized care from both the ICU and theriogenology teams, enabling her to recover and safely give birth to an adorable litter of healthy puppies.
If I hadn't come here, I thoroughly believe I would have lost my My mama and possibly her babies, too. I am Jennifer Anders, and I have EstenX Poodles. I breed all three varieties. I had Senna, my toy poodle, who was very close to her delivery date, and she was not feeling well. She was having some GI problems. On arrival. Mom was doing her best to take care of them while they were still in her uterus. But we needed to get mom better. And so between our IU staff and the yo team, we were able to get her the nutrition that she needed, stopped the diarrhea and the vomiting, ended up helping her puppies while she was here. And they have all survived, and we've brought them back for their seven week checkup. I am absolutely ecstatic with the team, and everything they done. If I hadn't come here, I thoroughly believe I would have lost my. My mama and possibly her babies, too. We have two board certified reproductive specialists. We're not just interested. We actually did three extra years of training on top of just regular veterinary school. And we also have the facilities to handle 24 hour care eyeballs on these animals, telling us when things are changing and addressing them real time, which makes a big difference. And I think the combination of those two things really provides us the ability to give good quality care, especially to something that is not just a sick mom, but a sick pregnant mom. They're great. They're spunky. The babies. I am so pleased with them, and I am just thankful to doctor Ci and the whole team. Fabulous. Between misses anders care at home and You know, son of being a good mom, she was able to nurse all those puppies, and they all survived, which is wonderful. It's a great story of a good dedicated owner who recognized that there was a problem and then getting them here, and we just helped the process along a little.