Welcome Virginia Tech's newest therapy dog, Epcot
The loveable black lab is joining his new best friends Derek, Josie, and Wagner as the newest addition to the Cook Counseling Center's family of therapy dogs. The VT therapy dogs hold office hours around campus and are available to anyone for support, companionship, and unconditional love.
We'd like to welcome Epcot to the Hokie nation. Epcot is an almost two-year-old black Labrador Retriever. Epcot is, of course, calm, well-trained, well-behaved. He's been professionally trained. He has a really outgoing, loving personality. He loves humans, he loves other dogs. He seems to have a lot of stamina for meeting people throughout the day. We do think he's got the right stuff as they say, both in his temperament and we want them to enjoy the work and he seems to, I think he enjoys it a lot more than probably most most humans enjoy their jobs. Because you see he's got 50 people petting him right now. I hope they have, first of all, a positive experience, a positive and encounter with the dogs and with other students because it brings groups of students together. I hope that they realized that these dogs are part of the campus community for everyone. "I can't get my hand away." Each dog has office hours every week. Josie, Wagner, and Derek. To meet throughout the week on campus for people and I'm sure Epcot will add an office hour soon himself. He seems to love the work and we did screen very thoroughly before adopting him, that this would be a good fit for him. And for us. We want the dogs to be a touchstone for the students that they can have a good experience. And it's almost a guarantee when you hang out the dogs, it'll put a smile on your face.