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Fralin Biomedical Research Institute occupational therapists train colleagues, treat children in Morocco clinic

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Kelsey Burke and Megan Price, occupational therapists in the Neuromotor Research Clinic at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC, took a personal volunteer trip to Morocco with a humanitarian group last year. They educated therapists and parents in pediatric therapy techniques.

Children are all the same no matter where you are, no matter what your cultural background is, children need love and they need to be played with. And they thrive on the interaction, a friend how to reach out and let us know that there was an opportunity to go into serve at a Pediatric Therapy Center in Northern Africa till I use the skills and knowledge that we have learned here and to be able to take those abroad. It was Meghan and I, occupational therapists and we had a nurse in a physical therapist as well. And we did hands-on training for therapists as well as didactic presentations. Honestly, like you could see that they were hungry for the information and the support and how a lot of questions they have been there caring for the children, doing their best, but still had a lot of questions of how can we really support them. And the most impactful way to see how many therapists and moms were there advocating for their children. It was really cool to come alongside that and to support them in that. And just to kind of strengthen the team and strengthen the therapy as a whole.