Thousands of students head to Lane Stadium for COVID-19 vaccination clinic
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Thousands of students head to Lane Stadium for COVID-19 vaccination clinic
The chairs and tables were lined up as volunteers prepared to give a shot in the arm to students arriving at Lane Stadium's vaccination clinic.
The more people you get vaccinated, the less disease there is circulating because you have less people who are vulnerable to infection. Our goal is to achieve 75 percent vaccination of our entire population. And on a campus like this, absolutely. Because we know that the students tend to be in more congregate settings. Those who are living in dorms. Those who are living in Greek housing. Those who are living in apartments together. Those who congregate at other social events. That's a big push to get folks who are in those more congregate settings vaccinated to help decrease the spread and to help achieve herd immunity. It's extremely critical for our campus. But if you look beyond our campus, you know, our students are going to be leaving here in a few weeks, going home, going to jobs, wherever they're going to be going. And so they're going to be exposed to family members, perhaps elderly folks and so forth. And so, not only is it going to help us protect our community on campus in the long run but we're also happy that it's also going to protect people outside of Blacksburg, outside of Montgomery County. We've always said, you know, our students are a part of our community. They make up two-thirds of our population in Blacksburg. And we knew they were going to be low down. But by their social nature, they're also going to need to be a high priority to get vaccinated. Every shot in an arm is a win. And that's the hard thing when you have a limited supply and your demand exceeds your supply. They're our community. They live here, they work here, they play here. And they're here 9, 10, some of them 12 months out of the year. So it's just as important to get them vaccinated as it is any body else