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Advancing Diversity Mid-Year Summit

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Category: culture Video duration: Advancing Diversity Mid-Year Summit
More than 100 stakeholders from around the University, attended the Advancing Diversity Mid-Year Summit. Abigail Stewart, professor of Psychology and Women's Studies at the University of Michigan, was invited to give her expertise on importance of inclusion and diversity on college campuses. Virginia Tech President Tim Sands delivered opening remarks. The InclusiveVT event also included panel discussions, poster exhibits, and workshops for participants.
[00:00:03] >> The more an institution becomes welcoming and a place that people expect to be welcomed and to find a place to belong, that feeds on itself. You can really see that there's a strong embrace of the importance of diversity and inclusion and of keeping up the pressure I really felt like that point was made by everyone here today. [00:00:27] I am here to help support and give you my experience and knowledge to support Virginia Tech's very exciting effort at creating inclusive excellence. I have so many occasions on a weekly basis at the University to talk about our strategic initiatives, our strategic plans and so I spent time talking about the imperative that we be a university that has global reach, inclusion and diversity is necessary to create the environment within which we can achieve those goals and prepare students to graduate with a competencies in the skill sets ready to serve their communities and achieve their own aspirations and innovations. [00:01:08] You have to tailor things so they fit the culture and the language the way people think about things, once you do that that's a program can work. It's integral to what it means to be a Hokie what it means to be at Virginia Tech, the Ut Prosim difference is real you have to keep working hard on it but I feel encouraged by the commitment and the the effort so far.
