Vet Med students build team dynamics
As the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine welcomed new students in its doctor of veterinary medicine program, orientation activities focused on building relationships and team dynamics.
>> We're welcoming our class of 2022 into the DVM program. The whole purpose behind our orientation is to actually promote and build teamwork and team dynamics. I came down last year just for a tour, brought my whole family down and I got to sit down with Dr Pelzer.
Everything she told me about the ways the new curriculum approaches veterinary medicine and learning in general just really matched with how I was raised to love learning and to follow my interests and my curiosities. I graduated with a degree in biochemistry and molecular biology and then I started working at the Mayo Clinic thinking that I would eventually go to medical school -- I thought it's very interesting and it's great to be working with people but really my passion in research is working with animals.
I came here and interviewed and just love the feel of the town and the school seemed so inviting and everybody seems so willing to work with people and it was less focused on like competition between students and seems like the faculty really want you to succeed, and wanted the whole group to succeed.
My group has come together to accomplish things you know people that you wouldn't expect to be a leader would come and have these awesome ideas, that's awesome. You are never just working by yourself, you know some people come into the Vet Med with the idea that you just get to work with animals, you don't need to like people but the reality of it is you have to love peo