Eating Disorder Awareness Week starts Feb. 24
From: Hokie Wellness
Nine percent of Americans will have an eating disorder in their lifetime, according to the National Eating Disorders Association. Countless others struggle with their relationship to eating on a less severe scale, a phenomenon known as disordered eating.
Eating disorders and disordered eating are all too common, but there’s no reason to suffer alone.
In recognition of Eating Disorder Awareness Week, Feb. 24 – March 2, Hokie Wellness is spreading awareness about eating disorders and disordered eating, while promoting resources to prevent and combat them.
Throughout the week, Hokie Wellness will highlight body image, disordered eating, and eating disorder resources through posters, social media campaigns, and outreach efforts.
Hokie Wellness will promote The Body Project, a workshop that breaks down appearance ideals to promote a healthier relationship with body image.
Hokie Wellness’ weekly Digital Well-being Challenge will encourage body gratitude and positivity.
On Feb. 27 from 2 – 4 p.m. in War Memorial Hall, Hokie Wellness will host Destination Wellness, an event to promote wellness before students leave for Spring Break. It will include a booth dedicated to body gratitude, activism, and eating disorder awareness.
Eating Disorder Awareness Week was created by the National Eating Disorders Association to raise awareness about eating disorders while providing hope and visibility to those who suffer from them.
The Body Project and the week's activities are not treatments for eating disorders. If you may be suffering from an eating disorder, or if you have been diagnosed or treated for an eating disorder in the past and are still struggling, please contact your health care provider.