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Catfish sensory study seeks participants

From: Department of Food Science and Technology

The Virginia Tech Sensory Evaluation Lab is recruiting 75-100 volunteers to participate in a sensory study of catfish (IRB 24-258).

Volunteers of any gender and ethnicity must be adults (18+ years old) who consume fish products. If you have fish allergies, are pregnant or breastfeeding, please refrain from participating.

Participants will be asked to taste and evaluate cooked catfish samples, describe their impressions, and complete a short survey. Prior experience in sensory evaluation is not required.

Participants who complete all tasks will receive $5 cash for their time and effort. Study will be on Feb. 25-27 from 11a.m. to 5 p.m. in the VT Sensory Evaluation Lab (HABB1 room 205, 1230 Washington St SW). Parking passes are available upon request. Time commitment: ~20 minutes.

For additional information, please contact Taylor Peele ( or Renata Carneiro (

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