New way to schedule lactation room; rooms now included on campus map
From: Hokie Wellness and Early Childhood Education
The process for reserving a lacation room is changing. Nursing mothers will now have access to a Lactation Room Resources Google drive. The drive will include a folder where mothers may schedule the time(s) they need to use a particular lactation room, and a folder that will include flyers and resources with information valuable to families.
The change is underway and the notebooks currently in use in the lactation rooms will be removed in the coming days.
Additionally, Hokie Wellness and the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Initiatives advisory group has announced the location of dedicated lactation spaces on the Blacksburg, Roanoke, and greater Washington, D.C., metro area campuses are now available on on the university’s interactive campus map, including space details and photos. Unrestricted spaces, which means anyone can book them, are marked with green dots. Spaces that are restricted to individuals working in those facilities are marked with an orange dot.
The mapping project was conducted in coordination with colleagues from the Geographic Information Systems team in the Division of Operations Information Technology and Data Administration.
If you are currently using a lactation room and need access to the new Google drive to schedule a room or if you have questions about lacation rooms, contact Hokie Wellness at