Make a difference in your community with a donation to Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign
The following is a message to Virginia Tech employees from Ed Jones, director of Virginia Cooperative Extension and honorary chair of the 2015 Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign.
Dear colleagues,
No one likes to sit at a computer and read a lengthy Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign appeal. That's why I chose to bring you this video message instead. I hope you will take a few minutes to watch it.
As of Tuesday, Oct. 27, 7 percent of our employees have donated $142,425 toward the 2015 CVC. If you have already made your contribution, thank you.
If you haven’t made a contribution yet, please take a moment now to make your donation through the online CVC Pledge System. In just a few minutes, you can make a tax-deductible gift that can be paid through payroll deduction. There’s no paperwork to fill out, check to write, or mail to be sent.
As you can see, we have a long way to go to reach our goal of $325,000 and only a few weeks to accomplish it.
As I learned firsthand, our contributions are making a difference in communities across the commonwealth. Please consider helping one or more of these charities with your CVC contribution today.
Ed Jones
Honorary Chair, 2015 Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign
Associate Dean, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Director, Virginia Cooperative Extension