Virginia Cooperative Extension Day at the State Fair of Virginia will be held Sunday, Sept. 27, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at The Meadow Event Park in Doswell. The event will feature educational exhibits on food safety, 4-H youth development programs, gardening, emergency preparedness, nutrition, aquaculture, and much more.

“During Virginia Cooperative Extension Day, fairgoers will be able to see a sampling of what Extension has to offer in communities across Virginia,” said Lori Greiner, chair of the Virginia Cooperative Extension Day. “Extension has a lot of offer, and we want to encourage the public to take advantage of these programs.”

Fairgoers will be encouraged to visit the Extension exhibits located around the fairgrounds. Each area has information, free giveaways, and hands-on activities for all ages. Those who visit at least five exhibits will receive a Virginia Cooperative Extension drawstring backpack, while supplies last. Maps and more information will be available at the fairground entrance.

Various activities will take place throughout the day, including:

  • Virginia 4-H: Learn about featured programs, including camping, robotics, 4-H military partnerships, leadership and teen programs, healthy living, and international programs. Watch the Food Challenge Showcase and Share the Fun show.
  • Family and Consumer Sciences: Watch food safety and food preservation demonstrations at the mobile kitchen, pick up recipes and information, and participate in fun and educational activities and games on nutrition, financial education, and parenting.
  • Virginia Master Gardeners and Junior Master Gardeners: Check out hands-on gardening activities for kids, learn how to protect pollinators, and receive Firewise landscaping tips and gardening information.
  • Virginia Household Water Quality Program: Find out how to maintain and protect your private water supply and learn about groundwater protection in Virginia.
  • Aquaculture: Learn about Virginia's aquaculture industry.
  • Extension Disaster Education Network: Pick up information on how to better prepare yourself, your family, and your pets for emergencies.
  • Small Farm Outreach Program: Learn about the educational opportunities and technical assistance available to producers and ranchers with limited resources.

For more information about the State Fair of Virginia and directions, visit



Written by Amy Loeffler
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