Robert M. Brown named Curling Professor of Accounting and Information Systems

Robert M. Brown, professor of accounting and information systems in the Pamplin College of Business at Virginia Tech, was recently named the Curling Professor in Accounting and Information Systems by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors.
Established in 2008 through a gift from Doug C. Curling, who earned his bachelor’s degree and master’s degrees in accounting from Virginia Tech, the Curling Professorship in Accounting and Information Systems is intended to help the college recruit and retain outstanding scholars in accounting and to also honor Curling’s father, Calvin T. Curling, and uncle, James C. Curling, who also attended Virginia Tech.
A member of the Virginia Tech community since 1977, Brown has focused his research on financial market reaction to financial information. He is recognized as a leading scholar in this area and is frequently called upon to review papers and make presentations. He has published more than 35 papers in leading academic and practitioner journals and has made numerous presentations at professional meetings.
Brown’s strong research record led to his recognition as a R.B. Pamplin Professor. He has received an additional chaired professorship in the department.
He has taught numerous courses in financial accounting, managerial accounting, and information systems at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. He serves on numerous committees in the department, supervises dissertations, and is frequently engaged with external constituencies and alumni. He is the faculty advisor to the student organization, Beta Alpha Psi, which was recognized as the best student organization on campus last year.
He was promoted to the rank of associate professor in 1982 and to the rank of professor in 1990. He served as head of the Department of Accounting and Information Systems from 2003 to 2011. Brown received a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree from the University of Georgia, and an M.B.A. and Ph.D. from Georgia State University.