Virginia Tech music faculty to perform chamber music concert

The University Chamber Music Series of the Virginia Tech Department of Music presents faculty chamber music on Saturday, March 26 at 8 p.m. in the Squires Recital Salon on Virginia Tech's main campus in Blacksburg.
The program will feature "Nel Cor Piu" by Theobald Boehm, "Andante and Rondo" by Franz Doppler, "Four Winds for SoloTrombone" by Philip Wilby, "Sonata for Horn and Piano" by Trygve Madsen, "Migration II" for trumpet and electronics by Jason Price, and "Bandera" by Kerry Turner.
Although some of these composers may not be familiar names, the concert will offer a unique opportunity to hear a wide range of styles played with various techniques.
Performers include Elizabeth Crone, flute; Jay Crone, trombone; Wallace Easter, horn; Nancy Harder, piano; David Jacobsen, flute; Jason Price, trumpet; and Erica Sipes, piano.
Tickets are $15 general / $10 senior / $5 student and are available at the university Unions and Student Activities Box Office in Squires Student Center. To order tickets, call (540) 231-5615, order online, or purchase tickets at the ticket office between the hours of 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Tickets will also be available at the door.
Free parking is available after 5 p.m. in the Squires Lot, located at the corner of College Avenue and Otey Street, the Architecture Annex Lot on Otey Street, and the Perry Street/Prices Fork lots. Find more parking information online or call (540) 231-3200.