Mitchell Kenyon

Degree: DVM, 2025, Mixed Animal
Hometown: Germantown, Maryland

My undergraduate was in…
I earned a B.S. in Animal Sciences and an MBA from the University of Maryland.

Best part of being a VMCVM student…
The VMCVM community is what makes this experience truly special. The support from fellow students, faculty, and staff creates an environment where everyone is rooting for each other. No matter what challenges come my way, I know I’m never alone.

The moment I knew I wanted to be a veterinarian/public health professional was…
June 20, 2011. At 15 years old, I faced a tough decision — my family cat, Pieces, was suffering from feline gingivostomatitis, and it was up to me to make the call for euthanasia. In that moment, I promised myself I would find a cure and prevent others from experiencing the same pain. While I later realized that goal was nearly impossible, it taught me an important lesson: Having big, seemingly unattainable goals keeps us striving for something greater.

My hidden talent...
I can play the Stairway to Heaven guitar solo — with the guitar behind my head! 🎸

A person who has inspired me...
John Lennon. Though I never lived in a world where he was alive, his impact was undeniable. He was a perfectly imperfect person — proof that mistakes, hardships, and challenges don’t define us but instead shape us into who we are meant to be.

Biggest misconception about being a veterinarian/public health student…
That we are only about veterinary medicine! We’re an incredibly diverse and dynamic group with unique passions, talents, and interests beyond the clinic. We love to learn, but we also love to have fun, crack jokes, and connect with people outside of our study hours.

If I had a superpower, it would be...
Telekinesis — aka “The Force” from Star Wars. Moving things with my mind? Sign me up!

My no-fail, go-for-it motivational song...
🎶 In My Life – The Beatles

Composite photo of Mitchell Kenyon.
Mitchell Kenyon. Photo by Andrew Mann for Virginia Tech.

The course project/study you're most excited about...
Veterinary dentistry and feline medicine. With both of my parents being dentists, I grew up believing that dental health is general health, and that applies to our furry friends, too! I also have a special connection with cats—I love understanding their unique behaviors and earning their trust.

What excites me the most about the future of my industry...
It’s an ever-evolving field that continuously pushes boundaries in research, treatment, and technology. Every year, we move closer to curing more diseases and improving the lives of animals and their humans.

Favorite way to end the day...
Picking up a musical instrument — even if I play the same song as the day before. It’s a simple way to unwind and end the day with a smile.

Top of my bucket list...
1. Own multiple concurrent and successful veterinary practices.
2. Retirement: Open a Cat Café & Cat Sanctuary! 🐱☕

How many pets/animals live at home? Can you tell us about them?
I share my home with two incredible cats:
🐾 Jude – A 15-year-old black and white DSH
🐾 George – An orange tabby of unknown age who wandered into my life one day and never left.

Both are indoor-outdoor adventurers, love making new human friends, and — despite my best efforts — occasionally bring me “souvenirs” from their hunting excursions.

Anything else to add?
“Before you stress too much, ask yourself — will this even matter in two years? You can’t pour from an empty cup, so take care of yourself! Life is serious, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun along the way. Find joy in the little things, make people laugh, and soak up the good vibes — because tomorrow isn’t promised, so make today count!”

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