Lauren Maghak

Degree: DVM/MPH, 2026, Public Corporate
Hometown: Columbia, Maryland

My undergraduate was in…
B.S. in biochemistry and minors in animal science and chemical engineering from Clemson University!!! Go tigers!

Best part of being a VMCVM student…
That the faculty and staff are always willing to help you. They are always happy to help you build connections, provide guidance, or just be there to listen -- whatever you need.

The moment I knew I wanted to be a veterinarian/public health professional was…
When I was first introduced to epidemiology, I knew I wanted to combine my love for that with my love for animals and so I went on to pursue my dual degree to be a public health vet!

My hidden talent...
I can scuba dive! I was taught by our very own Dr. Nappier and I'm excited to go scuba diving in Florida this spring break. :)

A person who has inspired me...
Temple Grandin because I love seeing how we all have different strengths and weaknesses and seeing how those can be capitalized when we work together.

Biggest misconception about being a veterinarian/public health student…
That we all love all animals. Please do not contact me if you have any exotics, you need a different veterinarian than me.

If I had a superpower, it would be...
Teleportation because I hate waiting for my car to warm up in the winter.

My no-fail, go-for-it motivational song...
Mr. Brightside!!!! Every time.

The course project/study you're most excited about...
I'm most excited for pharmacology because I love understanding the mechanisms behind the drugs that we prescribe. I think it's such an important sometimes overlooked aspect of our job.

What excites me the most about the future of my industry...
I'm hoping to see more veterinarians branch out from private practice and explore more of the non-traditional paths in veterinary medicine. Vets play so many important roles that people have no idea about and I look forward to seeing those become more visible and common.

Favorite way to end the day...
Unwinding by reading (I'm currently obsessed with the Outlander series), watching Hulu (I've recently been addicted to High Potential), or doing yoga.

Top of my bucket list...
I want to visit Banff and see skijor live. I love seeing animals as part of extreme sports.

How many pets/animals live at home? Can you tell us about them?
No pets right now, but one day I can't wait to own my own newfie!

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