Graduate student enrollment for master’s degree: 2018:187, 2019:183, 2020:219, 2021:273, 2022:262, 2023:251, Aug. 2024:215 for doctoral degree: 2018:67, 2019:64, 2020:59, 2021:58, 2022:72, 2023:84, Aug. 2024:91. Master’s students by department: Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation: 13%, Forest Products (SBIO): 3%, Master of Natural Resources / Executive Master of Natural Resources: 61%, Fish and Wildlife Conservation: 12%, Geography: 12%. Doctoral students by department: Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation: 28%, Forest Products (SBIO): 10%, Fish and Wildlife Conservation: 51%, Geography: 11%.

Data infographics by Mary Hastings.

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