When you packed your favorite clothes in preparation for moving into your Virginia Tech digs, you prioritized comfort with an edge of style. Now you’ve got job interviews lined up, and your favorite jeans and T-shirt just won’t cut it. And money is too tight for shopping right now – that’s why you’re looking for work in the first place. Don’t worry, said Becca Scott, director of professional development and experiential initiatives, Career Outfitters has you covered.

Career Outfitters supplies free professional attire for Virginia Tech undergraduate and graduate students. The clothing available is appropriate for professional use – think career fairs, networking events, or interviews. Launched in 2013, Career Outfitters is open throughout the year for students to try on – and select – clothing. Staffed by two student interns, visitors are given one-on-one assistance to identify and choose inventory based on fit, size, and style.

How do I use the service?

Appointments are available at various times based on the schedule of the student interns who serve as coordinator of the program. Currently enrolled students can view open times and sign up in Handshake. Select "Career Outfitters from the menu. Appointments are for 15-minute time blocks, but you should budget 30 minutes for your process. This gives you time to peruse the inventory and try on items in a private space.

Please don’t make an appointment if you are not fully committed to attending – limited appointment times are available and no-showing means another student didn’t have the chance to visit.

What should I expect?

The career closet is in a converted storage room containing hundreds of donated clothing items. This is part of the reason that you will have an appointment with a staff member – to guide you in looking at the inventory and selecting what to try on. Think of it as a large clothing closet, with a private space for trying on clothes.

Enrolled students can claim one outfit, free of charge, once per academic year. An outfit is defined as a skirt or pants, a jacket or blazer, a shirt or blouse, and one accessory; the clothing is yours to keep.

Scott offers some tips. “If you are looking to match your new professional attire with accessories or clothing you already own, bring them with you,” she said. “If you’re looking for a whole outfit, please bring a bag or something to carry away your new clothes or accessories. And please leave your entourage home – Career Outfitters occupies a small space and only accommodates you and the student staffer.”

Have clothes you want to donate?

Career and Professional Development could not offer this service without donations. Donations of unused or gently used clothing items that are appropriate for professional occasions – suits, pants, skirts, dresses, blazers, jackets, shirts, blouses, and accessories such as shoes, belts, ties, purses, bags are happily accepted, with all sizes of clothing welcomed. Please call the office to schedule a drop-off time.

Still have questions? Career and Professional Development is here to help. Appointments can be made on Handshake or by calling 540-231-6241. Advising appointments are available in person, by Zoom, and by phone any time between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. whenever the university is open – even when classes aren’t in session. Career and Professional Development is in the Smith Career Center on the Blacksburg campus.

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