Jacob Barney joined Virginia Tech’s “Curious Conversations” to talk about invasive species, their impact on native species, and the challenges of managing them. He explained the history and terminology of invasive species, their economic and ecological consequences, and the interdisciplinary approaches being taken to addressing the problem. Barney also highlighted practical steps people can take to prevent their spread.

About Barney

Barney is a professor in the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences. He is also the director of the Invasive Species Collaborative, which began in the Global Change Center at Virginia Tech with support from the Fralin Life Sciences Institute and the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost.



  • Invasive species have an annual economic consequence of about $423 billion and are responsible for more than 60 percent of extinctions.
  • Individuals can play a role in preventing the spread of invasive species through informed gardening, responsible pet ownership, and other simple actions.
  • Barney leads the Invasive Species Collaborative at Virginia Tech, which takes a transdisciplinary approach with partners both inside and outside the university to combat this problem.

Learn more

Invasive species impact native soundscapes

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About the podcast

"Curious Conversations" is a series of free-flowing conversations with Virginia Tech researchers that take place at the intersection of world-class research and everyday life. Produced and hosted by Virginia Tech Assistant Director of Communications Travis Williams, university researchers share their expertise and motivations as well as the practical applications of their work in a format that more closely resembles chats at a cookout than classroom lectures. New episodes are shared each Tuesday.

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