Karen Hult joined Virginia Tech’s “Curious Conversations” to chat about the history and evolution of polling, methods used in modern polling, and how politicians and the average person can interpret poll results. The conversation highlights the importance of probability sampling and inferential statistics in generating accurate poll results as well as the need for critical thinking when reading them.

About Hult

Hult is professor of political science at Virginia Tech and serves on the faculty of the School of Public and International AffairsCenter for Public Administration and Policy. She has expertise in the U.S. presidency, federal and state politics, policy and governance, and federal and state courts. Her research is focused on organization and institutional theories, the U.S. presidency, U.S. national executive branch departments and agencies, policy, U.S. state politics, policy, and governance, and social science methodologies.

Three takeaways 

  • Polling has a long history with roots in censuses and surveys dating back to biblical times.

  • Modern polling relies on probability sampling and inferential statistics to generate accurate results.

  • When interpreting poll results, people should consider the pollster, the sample size, the confidence levels, and the non-response bias.

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About the podcast

"Curious Conversations" is a series of free-flowing conversations with Virginia Tech researchers that take place at the intersection of world-class research and everyday life. Produced and hosted by Virginia Tech writer and editor Travis Williams, university researchers share their expertise and motivations as well as the practical applications of their work in a format that more closely resembles chats at a cookout than classroom lectures. New episodes are shared each Tuesday.

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