Sela Cooper

Degree: DVM Class of 2027

My undergraduate was in…
Biology with a concentration in microbiology and a minor in conservation.

Best part of being a VMCVM student…
is definitely all the opportunities at our fingertips. Things like the endless lunch-and-learns about almost any topic you can think of, networking events, and student wellness activities have made it apparent that everyone at this school wants you to grow and succeed. I'm also grateful for friendly classmates who are eager to help one another. High School Musical said it best: "We're all in this together!".

The moment I knew I wanted to be a veterinarian/public health professional was…
more so a series of events and experiences that developed my love for veterinary medicine. After graduating high school, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. All I knew was that I loved people, animals, and science. The first time I shadowed a veterinarian at a local clinic is when I realized I had found a field that included all three aspects. I would have to say that the sum of the experiences I've gotten to participate in while working in veterinary medicine is what solidified my decision to pursue such a diverse field of work.

My hidden talent...
is playing electric bass! I play a mean ukulele too.

A person who has inspired me...
Both my parents are my biggest inspiration. Both have sacrificed a lot to get me where I am today so getting into veterinary school and pursuing this career is just as much their accomplishment as it is mine.

Biggest misconception about being a veterinarian/public health student…
is that in order to get into vet school, you have to follow a cookie-cutter path. A lot of pre-veterinary students believe that in order to get accepted into veterinary school you have to major in a science-based program in undergrad, get perfect grades, have 20,000 hours of experience, and extra points if you find the cure to allergies. Veterinary schools want students who are well rounded, and while grades and studying hard are important aspects of being a successful vet student, having a life outside of school is equally vital!

If I had a superpower, it would be...
to speak every language known to man! I've always had an affinity for communication and connecting with those around me, so how much cooler would it be to do so with people from any background or culture?

My no-fail, go-for-it motivational song...
"You Are a Winner" by Earth, Wind & Fire

The course project/study you're most excited about…
hmm.. is probably clinical year! I'm stoked to be able to apply everything we've learned in class to cases in real time.

What excites me the most about the future of my industry...
The Vet Med realm is constantly changing with novel products, innovations, and protocols which is cool to see! However, I'm most excited to see how veterinary medicine and those who work within in are becoming more greatly appreciated by the public.

Favorite way to end the day...
is hitting the punching bag at the gym.

Top of my bucket list...
is visiting Thailand to train at an authentic Muay Thai gym!

How many pets/animals live at home? Can you tell us about them?
Our family dog is a spunky yorkie and along with her, I've got my cat, a leopard gecko, and a betta fish. This past year I've also gotten into bug keeping, so I think it's only fair to include my Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches on this list (they're practically little dogs).

Anything else to add?
Asking for help shows you are dedicated to accomplishing a goal, and I think that people want to help more than we often give them credit for. Whether it's your peers, the amazing staff at VMCVM, or any other trusted individual, know that you are never alone. 1 Peter 5:7

Sela Cooper hugging a dog.
Sela Cooper. Photo courtesy of Sela Cooper.
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