Jonathan Boreyko named John R. Jones III Faculty Fellow

Jonathan Boreyko, associate professor of mechanical engineering in the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech, has been awarded the John R. Jones III Faculty Fellowship in Mechanical Engineering by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors.
The Jones Faculty Fellowship was established in 2006 to acknowledge and reward mid-career faculty who have shown exceptional merit in research, teaching, and/or service. Jones, a member of the Class of 1967 who earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, is a retired executive of American Electric Power. He has been a member of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Advisory Board since 1998.
Recipients hold the title of Jones Faculty Fellow for a period of five years.
A member of the Virginia Tech faculty since 2014, Boreyko directs the Nature-Inspired Fluids and Interfaces Laboratory, a rapidly growing group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering with 30 journal publications since 2017.
Boreyko has had an impressive record of conducting cutting-edge research in the area of biomimetic surfaces and systems with applications in water harvesting, energy harvesting, anti-icing, phase-change heat transfer, and advanced materials.
In his career, Boreyko has received 13 externally funded grants totaling $2.6 million. Two of his grants have come from the National Science Foundation, including the prestigious CAREER Award, and the highly competitive Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Research Program (YIP) Award.
Boreyko’s research has also been supported by other government funding agencies and industry, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture, GreenShift Corporation, Bemis Company, Collins Aerospace, Proctor & Gamble, 3M, and Brookhaven National Laboratory. His funding is spread across various science and engineering disciplines, inducing vapor chambers, anti-icing technology, slippery oil-impregnated surfaces, synthetic trees, antiperspirant technology, fog harvesting, and pathogen transport in wheat crops.
Boreyko received his bachelor's degree from Trinity College and a Ph.D. from Duke University.