Intelligent lockers offer Oak Lane residents a convenient, secure option for receiving packages
Students in the Oak Lane community no longer need to travel to Owens Hall to retrieve their packages. Instead, they just need to visit the newly-installed intelligent lockers located at Oak Lane.
The lockers leverage the latest technologies to streamline and make the package delivery process more convenient. Once mail services scans and loads packages into the lockers, students receive an email with a unique code to enter at the lockers. After the code is entered on the screen, the student will be directed to a numbered locker that will open automatically.
The lockers are accessible 24-7, illuminated at night, and are covered by a rain shelter.
On average, mail services processes 700 to 1,000 residential student packages a day at its operations center on South Main Street and in Owens Hall. Packages are then delivered to the Owens Hall Mailroom for student pickup and storage.
With the growth of online shopping, the lockers will help streamline university mail operations by reducing the number of packages processed and stored at Owens Hall. It is also the first time an electronic notification system for mail has been implemented on campus.
“We are thrilled to have the intelligent lockers up and running and to be able to offer a simple and convenient option for package delivery at Oak Lane,” said Ginny McCoy, associate director of Mail Services. “We look forward to the continued success of the program and future expansion on campus.”
Mail services hopes to add additional lockers across campus within the next two to four years. At this time, package delivery to the intelligent lockers is designated to USPS packages.
Questions about the intelligent lockers can be directed to mail services at