Tracey Criss recognized for excellence in medical student education

Tracey Criss, associate dean for clinical science years 3 and 4 and assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral medicine at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, has been awarded the Nancy C.A. Roeske M.D., Certificate of Recognition for Excellence in Medical Student Education by the American Psychiatric Association.
The annual award is given to members of the organization who have made outstanding and sustaining contributions to medical student education, including lectures, small-group teaching, supervision, and course design.
In addition to her positions at the medical school, Criss is vice president of medical staff affairs and credentialing at Carilion Medical Center and a faculty psychiatrist at Carilion Clinic.
In nominating Criss, Anita Kablinger, professor and program director in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, said “Dr. Criss is a dynamic educator. She is confident, intelligent, compassionate, and motivated and is an admired mentor and teacher.”
Criss came to Carilion Clinic in 1995 and joined the medical school’s faculty in 2010 when the school’s charter class entered. She has taught in a variety of settings including a workshop on conducting the mental status exam, an interactive lecture on schizophrenia, bedside teaching of electroconvulsive therapy, during medical student orientations, and as an outpatient preceptor. She won a faculty teaching award in 2011 and Physician of the Year for psychiatry at Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital in 2002.
“Dr. Criss often receives accolades from our students for her commitment to teaching,” said Richard Vari, senior dean for academic affairs for the medical school. “Her continued dedication to the teaching is admirable, and we are fortunate to have her on our team.”
Criss earned her undergraduate degree from Southern College in Collegedale, Tennessee. She is a graduate of the West Virginia University School of Medicine and completed her residency training at Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine-Akron General Medical Center.
The American Psychiatric Association is the main professional organization of psychiatrists and trainee psychiatrists in the United States, and the largest psychiatric organization in the world with 36,000 members.