Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Color Guard to receive the flags at Sun Bowl
The Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets and the Virginia Tech football team continue their proud partnership to highlight the colors during the pre-game ceremony at every football game.
Three football players are selected, because of their performance in the last game or during practice, to carry the American flag, the state flag, and the team’s spirit flag as they lead the team onto the field. They carry the flags the length of the field and deliver them to cadets at the south end of the field.
The cadets performing this honor are also selected based on their performance during their training. The cadets render honor to the flags and then securely carry them off the field. At home games three freshman cadets are selected and one or two upper-class cadets travel with the team and receive the flags at away games. Members of the color guard are selected to receive the flags at the bowl game in recognition of their dedicated efforts throughout the year.
The following cadets have been selected to represent the Corps of Cadets at the Sun Bowl in El Paso, Texas, where Virginia Tech will play UCLA on Dec 31:
- Cadet Cory Mitchell of Catawba, Va., a junior majoring in political science in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, is pursuing a minor in leadership studies from the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Rice Center for Leader Development, is a member of Army ROTC, and is a recipient of the R.B. Pamplin Family Emerging Leader Scholarship;
- Cadet Cameron Veal of Saint Johns, Fla., a junior majoring in industrial and systems engineering in the College of Engineering and is pursuing a minor in leadership studies from the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Rice Center for Leader Development who is a member of Air Force ROTC, and is a recipient of the Beverly S. Parrish, Jr. ‘53 Emerging Leader Scholarship;
- Cadet Tyler Randles of Roseland, Va., a junior majoring in international studies in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences and is pursuing a minor in leadership studies from the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Rice Center for Leader Development who is a member of the Citizen-Leader Track, and is a recipient of the Randy Thurman ’71 Emerging Leader Scholarship;
- Cadet Raymond Pereira of Virginia Beach, Va., a junior majoring in electrical engineering in the College of Engineering who is a member of Air Force ROTC and is a recipient of the Meredyth E. & Thomas C. Richards ’56 Emerging Leader Scholarship;
- Cadet Logan Mauk of Bloomsburg, Pa., a junior majoring in accounting and information systems in the Pamplin College of Business and is pursuing a minor in leadership studies from the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Rice Center for Leader Development who is a member of the Citizen-Leader Track and is a recipient of the Leon Dalmain Simmons ’34 Memorial Emerging Leader Scholarship; and
- Cadet Timothy Rackowski of Nokesville, Va., a junior majoring in management in the Pamplin College of Business and is pursuing a minor in leadership studies from the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Rice Center for Leader Development who is a member of the Citizen-Leader Track and is a recipient of the Colonel E. Ray Yount ’68 Emerging Leader Scholarship.
All six cadets are members of the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Color Guard and Mitchell is serving as the color guard commander this year. In addition to receiving the flags during pre-game, the Color Guard will present the colors at the President's reception and will also travel with the Marching Virginians for a performance at Fort Bliss, the home of the 1st Armored Division, U.S. Army. The Marching Virginians will also perform during pre-game and halftime of the bowl.
Future cadets will continue to be selected for this honor based on their performance in the cadet regiment. The program is part of the proud partnership the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets has with the Virginia Tech Athletic Department and the Virginia Tech football team.