A project to assign street addresses to Virginia Tech campus buildings is approaching completion with anticipated implementation to occur on the Blacksburg campus during June, 2013.  

"This campus wide implementation will allow us to enhance 911 response capabilities, improve delivery information for external vendors, and facilitate GPS navigation for the campus community and visitors,"  said Sherwood Wilson, vice president for administration. 

Over the course of the last year, the project team has been working with designated fiscal/administrative officers from each of the colleges and administrative divisions to review the proposed addresses and incorporate requested changes.

The street address project team has worked with Virginia Tech Facilities Services to develop a cost-effective signage solution for the campus and over the course of the summer, a street address section will be added to existing building signs. 

In addition, the university recently approved two new street names: Life Science Circle near Litton Reaves Hall and Crest Lane near Hillcrest Hall.

"With the exception of the Virginia Tech buildings on the Blacksburg campus, all other Virginia Tech facilities have street addresses just like local businesses, residences, the Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center, and town and county government buildings. This new address implementation will provide street number addresses for all campus buildings," said Wilson.

The Virginia Tech style guide and campus maps are being updated and templates maintained by University Relations for printed items such as envelopes, stationery, and business cards will be updated to reflect the new address standard. After the new address implementation occurs, one can continue to use current printed items until depleted.   

A sample of the new address format is provided below: 

Joe Hokie
Department Name (MCxxxx)
Building Name, RM or STE XXX, Virginia Tech
XXX Street Name
Blacksburg, VA 24061

Please note: If you do not have a Virginia Tech mail code, your address will not be affected by this change.

Employees should not change to the new campus address format until implementation begins and university systems, processes, and signage are in place to support this change.

Please visit the street address project, for more information, to review the FAQ section, and to submit a question. 


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