Virginia Tech to host summer institute for senior scholars

Gardens. Music. History. These are some of the topics that will be explored June 12-15 during a summer institute for Virginia Tech’s Creative Learning Academy for Senior Scholars.
Participants will have the opportunity to learn about regional folklore and culture, take a history tour of the Virginia Tech campus, hear a traditional music demo, see a master gardener’s perspective while touring the Hahn Horticulture Garden, as well as join in other excursions and lively discussions.
The institute begins with a reception and orientation on Sunday evening, June 12, and continues through noon on Wednesday. Those attending will have the option of staying in air-conditioned dorm rooms with private baths and dining at an upscale food court or commuting to campus for activities and meals.
The Creative Learning Academy for Senior Scholars was created to satisfy the learning appetites of senior audiences. While this fast-growing population has more access to information than any preceding generation, the academy enhances the knowledge quest with shared adventures.
“Beyond their love of learning, these participants have a rich wealth of experiences to share,” says Ann Brown, assistant director of Continuing and Professional Education at Virginia Tech and co-founder of the institute. “Our goal is to provide a forum for stimulating conversations for this vibrant and curious audience.”
With a slogan of no tests, no papers, no grades — learning for the love of it, the academy was designed for people 50 and older. Previous events include an open house in January and one-hour sampler courses in March and April.
Blacksburg resident Mary Elizabeth Linden attended the spring courses and stated that she eagerly anticipated the classes each week. “I actually missed it a great deal when it was over and I look forward to participating in future offerings,” said Linden.
Visit the website for registration and more information.