Latest in classroom technologies will be explored Dec. 10-12 at the Hotel Roanoke
The 14th annual Educational Technology Leadership Conference, aimed at demonstrating the most up-to-date and successful techniques for integrating technology into classrooms, will be held Dec. 10-12 at the Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center in Roanoke, Va.
Conference attendees will explore new technologies, learn about the latest trends and issues related to the integration of technology into classrooms in Virginia, and establish new educational contacts. Presentations will focus on the goals and objectives of the five major components of Virginia’s long-range educational technology plans — integration, professional development, connectivity, educational applications, and accountability.
Special sessions will be offered this year to assist schools in developing policies for safe and productive uses of emerging technologies, such as educational gaming. School leaders also will report on their experiences in integrating Internet safety into educational programs.
The conference is designed for coordinators of instructional technology, library media, distance learning, instructional television, and instructional computing applications, as well as division superintendents, curriculum coordinators, staff development specialists, administrative computing specialists, university teacher education professionals, and telecommunication professionals. The 2007 Educational Technology Leadership Conference attracted more than 1,000 participants.
The conference is sponsored by Virginia Tech’s Office of Educational Research and Outreach, with assistance from the Virginia Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology.
The registration fee of $250 per person includes all sessions, materials, refreshment breaks, and lunches. Find more information about the conference and registration.