New Virginia Tech News Daily E-mail provides single, coordinated, and consistent process to distribute information to university employees
Welcome to the new and improved Virginia Tech News Daily E-mail — the university's comprehensive source of campus news, information, notices, and memos for all university employees.
Starting today, all Virginia Tech full- and part-time faculty and staff — approximately 9,000 individuals in total — will receive the daily e-mail every Monday through Friday morning when the university is open. This service will now define a single, coordinated, and consistent process to distribute information to university employees and will greatly reduce the number of e-mail messages currently delivered by the university’s computing system — a great relief to those who believe they receive too many e-mails .
Other forms of mass distribution of e-mail (with the exception of emergency messages) that have been used in the past, such as the DDDH list, will be discontinued. All official university communication will be directed through this one channel.
Students, parents, alumni, and others who currently receive the daily e-mail or would like to do so in the future may subscribe to the Virginia Tech News Daily E-mail by visiting the Virginia Tech News website and click on the “Sign up for the daily e-mail” link.
“Over the past decade, many organizations, including Virginia Tech, have turned to e-mail and the web as their primary tools for internal communications,” said Larry Hincker, associate vice president for university relations. “This new service will centralize and coordinate university information into a single, daily document, supported by the Virginia Tech News website.”
Because all important university-wide announcements will be distributed in this manner, all faculty and staff will be required to receive the Virginia Tech News Daily E-mail, and will not have the ability to opt out. This will ensure that all university employees receive the administrative or academic announcement they may need to in a timely manner. It will be the responsibility of every university employee to scan the daily e-mail and read those news stories and notices that pertain to them.
In addition to the daily e-mail, all information submitted to Virginia Tech News will be posted to its website, and will be available via subscription (RSS) feeds, VT Mobile (text delivered to your cell phone), and weekly “blue sheet” handouts for employees who do not have access to the Web or e-mail.
The launch of the new Virginia Tech News Daily E-mail follows a two-year review involving the offices of the Vice President for Administrative Services, University Relations, Information Technology, Provost, and Human Resources.
To submit a campus-wide memo or notice, visit the Virginia Tech News website and click on the “Submit a Notice” link.
To submit an event to the University Calendar, click on the “Submit an Event” link on the same page.
To suggest a story, contact a University Relations staff member.