Men's club soccer team spends spring break in Barcelona
The Virginia Tech men's club soccer team became the university's first sport club to embark on an international tour when the group left for an eight-day tour of Barcelona, Spain on March 3.
In Barcelona, the team will train for the upcoming spring season at several professional club facilities and play international friendly games against several Catalonian teams, specifically FC Tiana, Martorelles of Barcelona, and Barceloneta. This opportunity to practice against high-caliber teams, matched with some Spanish sightseeing, will provide the club with an educational, fun-filled, and inspirational trip.
“I've played on international soccer tours before, and they're a great experience,” said Mike Guckian, the club's president. “There will be some really tough games, but also a lot of fun and a great time all around.” Details for a possible fourth game on the final date of the tour, against an English team--West Ham United's Reserves--are also being finalized.
The club's coach, Ben Hubbard, believes the trip will provide an advantage for the upcoming spring season, when the club aims to capture four trophies, most notably the Virginia State Championship. The overseas experience will also serve as a springboard to launch the team into next fall's season, when the club hopes to qualify for the National Championships for the third year in a row.
"As a club team, we really don't have trips just for training or any type of preseason activities like this tour will present," Hubbard said. "Our guys will be able to train in top- class facilities and play against first rate teams that will really push the team to another level."
Later in March, the team will be able to apply the additional skills they acquire in Spain when they host the “Virginia Tech Springvitational” on campus from March 30 to April 1.
Virginia Tech Recreational Sports partners with the university to enhance the quality of life for all students, faculty, staff, their families, as well as the local community, by providing a wide variety of recreational and fitness opportunities throughout the year. For information on the full schedule of events and programs, visit the Recreational Sports website or call the main office at (540) 231-6856.