Local children invited to enjoy a Hokie Halloween
Looking to scare up some fun for your little monsters this Halloween? Area children and parents are invited to show off their costumes and join Virginia Tech students on Sunday, Oct. 30 from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. for a “Hokie Halloween,” family-friendly festivities hosted by Virginia Tech’s Residence Hall Federation, and aided by fellow student organizations the Society of Indian Americans, the sisters of Delta Sigma Theta, and the National Residence Hall Honorary.
Hokie Halloween is a free event, and families from all over Montgomery County are welcome to attend. Student volunteers will lead groups of children through stations set up in six campus residence halls where they can collect candy, have their faces painted, decorate pumpkins and cookies, make s’mores, and listen to ghost stories.
The event offers local families a safe and age-appropriate alternative to conventional Halloween celebrations and gives the sponsoring student organizations an opportunity to reach out to their community. Student volunteers work the residence hall stations and escort children and parents to and from the events.
“We had just as much fun as the kids did!” said Adrienne Ward, director of community service and philanthropy for the Residence Hall Federation, who volunteered for this event last year in Ambler Johnston Hall. Last year’s turnout was approximately 300 participants.
Parents should park in the Coliseum Lot on Washington Street and check in with volunteers on Dietrick Lawn (located across the street from Cassell Coliseum), where they will be escorted to the participating residence halls and event stations. For information contact Adrienne Ward at community.service@vt.edu, or call the Residence Hall Federation office at (540) 231-9743.