VBI implements customized BioGraphWeaver Enterprise Systems by GraphLogic
The Virginia Bioinformatics Institute (VBI) at Virginia Tech has recently implemented BioGraphWeaver Turnkey Solutions for customized enterprise process and data management systems from GraphLogic. BioGraphWeaver Turnkey Solutions, based on a fundamentally new software architecture invented at GraphLogic, meets the needs of life scientists in industry, academia, and government.
"We are truly pleased to be working with GraphLogic, a very innovative and emerging life sciences software company," said VBI's Executive and Scientific Director Bruno Sobral. "At VBI, we are using the latest computational approaches and laboratory technologies to address significant biological questions. Due to the data intensive nature of our research, it is imperative that we have only the most capable and robust software systems."
Susan Martino-Catt, director of systems biology at VBI, agreed. "We selected GraphLogic based on the demonstration of their BioGraphWeaver system and the promised delivery time of just three months," she said. "In that time, they delivered 12 customized enterprise systems, including those for 2D-gel electrophoresis/mass spectrometry, Affymetrix and custom in-house microarrays, DNA sequencing, and library screening, among others. GraphLogic encouraged my team to test the systems over the web as they were being built, and they were very responsive to our feedback."
"We found VBI to be an outstanding client, with a first-rate team that is truly interdisciplinary. They have implemented multiple high-throughput discovery processes, driving the need for sophisticated and robust enterprise data tracking and storage solutions," said Steven Gold, founder and CEO of GraphLogic. "We are extremely pleased that our BioGraphWeaver Turnkey Solutions was chosen to address this need. We are also excited to play such a role at VBI as they continue to address some of the world's most important biological and biodefense related questions. With the superior capabilities of BioGraphWeaver, we were able to very rapidly deliver a highly customized solution for VBI based on their specific requests. We are optimistic that other customers will also benefit from our customized software solutions in the same manner as VBI."
"We recognize that a scientist's vision of how they want their software to look and function becomes clear only after repeated use," said Matthew Roth, GraphLogic vice president of business development and life sciences applications. "We put the software in the hands of the VBI team very early in the process so that by the end of the project we delivered exactly what had been requested. We were even able to have the software reflect process changes that occurred during the lifetime of the project. We look forward to extending our work with VBI as they add additional scientific processes and forge new paths of scientific discover."
About the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute Established in 2000 as a Commonwealth of Virginia shared resource, the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute (VBI) at Virginia Tech has a research platform centered on understanding the "disease triangle" of host-pathogen-environment interactions. With over $43 million in extramural research funding awarded to date, VBI researchers are working on many human, crop, and animal diseases.
See Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, for more information.
About GraphLogic Inc. and BioGraphWeaver Turnkey Solutions GraphLogic Inc., headquartered in Branford, CT, was founded in 2003 to revolutionize software development in the life sciences. GraphLogic provides customized process and data management enterprise systems for the life sciences through its BioGraphWeaver Turnkey Solutions. BioGraphWeaver Turnkey Solutions are based on a fundamentally new software architecture invented at GraphLogic. This new architecture enables very rapid development of large, sophisticated, and robust enterprise level systems with unprecedented levels of flexibility.
See GraphLogic and BioGraphWeaver Turnkey Solutions, for more information..