Latest wireless technologies, opportunities topic of workshop
The Center for Wireless Telecommunications (CWT) at Virginia Tech will hold its 2004 Wireless Opportunities Workshop (WOW) on Sunday and Monday, Sept. 26 and 27, in Owens Banquet Hall on campus.
This workshop features a variety of speakers who will showcase the latest technological developments, business opportunities, and trends in the field of wireless telecommunications. Presentations will highlight cognitive radio, broadband wireless, interference temperatures, and public safety technologies.
The event begins on Sunday afternoon with a tutorial on low power technologies; RFID, and ZigBee™.
The Wireless Entrepreneur of the Year for Virginia (WEYV) award is announced at the conference. Past recipients have included leaders at Xtreme Spectrum (now Motorola), Winstar, and Nextel and Governor Mark Warner.
The deadline to register online is Tuesday, Sept. 14. For more information about this workshop, visit:; also see the Aug. 24article in The Roanoke Times, "Cognitive Radios Would Deliver Signal" at
Written by Judy Hood.