The Office of the University Architect has scheduled a Master Plan open house from 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday, April 22, in Squires' Williamsburg Room (second floor).

At the open house public forum, a planning team will display the results of the analysis phase of the Master Plan process. Information will include preliminary diagrams for land-use planning, initial systems diagrams for transportation and parking, utilities infrastructure, and storm-water management.

Firms represented will be Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas and Draper Aden & Associates.

The campus master plan guides physical development in concert with the university's mission and current or future academic and student-life programming. The plan identifies future development sites, guidelines for building design, assesses campus utilities, and integrates transportation and parking strategies.

The university architect's office is sharing the preliminary findings and recommendations with the university community through the website listed below. A final plan will be presented to the university's Board of Visitors this summer.

More information on the Master Plan is available on line at the following address:

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